Package controller

Class AutoTrackController

All Implemented Interfaces:
Controller, javafx.fxml.Initializable

public class AutoTrackController extends Object implements Controller
  • Field Details

    • sourceChoiceBox

      public javafx.scene.control.ChoiceBox<String> sourceChoiceBox
    • trackingConnectedStatusBox

      public javafx.scene.control.CheckBox trackingConnectedStatusBox
    • regMatrixStatusBox

      public javafx.scene.control.CheckBox regMatrixStatusBox
    • regMatrixImportButton

      public javafx.scene.control.Button regMatrixImportButton
    • generateMatrixButton

      public javafx.scene.control.Button generateMatrixButton
    • outputPathField

      public javafx.scene.control.TextField outputPathField
    • outputPathButton

      public javafx.scene.control.Button outputPathButton
    • captureRateComboBox

      public javafx.scene.control.ComboBox<String> captureRateComboBox
    • autoCaptureToggleButton

      public javafx.scene.control.ToggleButton autoCaptureToggleButton
    • singleCaptureButton

      public javafx.scene.control.Button singleCaptureButton
    • captureProgressSpinner

      public javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator captureProgressSpinner
    • connectionProgressSpinner

      public javafx.scene.control.ProgressIndicator connectionProgressSpinner
    • videoImagePlot

      public PlottableImage videoImagePlot
    • use3dTransformCheckBox

      public javafx.scene.control.CheckBox use3dTransformCheckBox
  • Constructor Details

    • AutoTrackController

      public AutoTrackController()
  • Method Details

    • initialize

      public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources)
      Specified by:
      initialize in interface javafx.fxml.Initializable
    • close

      public void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface Controller
    • updateTrackingInformation

      public void updateTrackingInformation()
      Enables the Main View to inject the tracking data controller
    • setStatusLabel

      public void setStatusLabel(javafx.scene.control.Label statusLabel)
      Enables the Main View to inject the status label at the bottom of the window
      statusLabel - The injected label
    • on_browseOutputDirectory

      public void on_browseOutputDirectory()
      Action that is called when the user wants to set an output directory
    • on_openOutputDirectory

      public void on_openOutputDirectory()
      Action that is called when the user wants to open the output directory
    • on_doSingleCapture

      public void on_doSingleCapture()
      Called when the "Single Capture" Button is pressed.
    • on_doAutoCapture

      public void on_doAutoCapture()
      Called, when the "Auto Capture" Button is toggled (on or off)
    • on_importMatrix

      public void on_importMatrix()
      Called, when "Import Matrix" Button is pressed.
    • on_reloadMatrix

      public void on_reloadMatrix()
      Reloads the matrix from the last given path (so it's easier to change from the outside)
    • on_generateMatrix

      public void on_generateMatrix()