Package inputOutput

Class AbstractImageSource

Direct Known Subclasses:
FilestreamSource, LivestreamSource, OIGTImageSource

public abstract class AbstractImageSource extends Object
builds an interface to other teams and enables to get a Matrix, establishes a connection to the device and disconnects the connection
  • Field Details

    • isConnected

      public boolean isConnected
    • exit

      public boolean exit
    • frameMatrix

      public org.opencv.core.Mat frameMatrix
    • fps

      public int fps
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractImageSource

      public AbstractImageSource()
  • Method Details

    • getNextMat

      public abstract org.opencv.core.Mat getNextMat()
      provides the next Matrix for a further use
      the object of the class Mat from OpenCV
    • openConnection

      public abstract boolean openConnection()
      establishes a connection to the device
      whether the connection was successful or not
    • closeConnection

      public abstract boolean closeConnection()
      disconnects the connection to the device
      exit = true