Package algorithm

Class Tool


public class Tool extends Object
The class Tool represents the name of a tool, its respective measurements and the visualisation.
  • Constructor Details

    • Tool

      public Tool(String name)
    • Tool

      public Tool()
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init()
      Method to initialize the attributes of the tool
    • loadTransformationMatrix

      public void loadTransformationMatrix()
    • show

      public void show()
      Method to update the current position of the tool and perform all necessary transformations on it
    • addVisualizationToRoot

      public void addVisualizationToRoot(javafx.scene.Group root)
      Helper method for adding the projection and the cone to the visualisation group
      root -
    • setTargets

      public void setTargets(LinkedList<Target> targets)
      Set the targets of the tool
      targets - the new targets
    • checkTargets

      public void checkTargets()
      Method to check if the projection intersects a target and if so, change the color of the target Color red implies an intersection between the projection and the target Color green implies no intersection was detected
    • checkBounds

      public void checkBounds(ArrayList<STLModel> stlModels)
      Checks for collision and changes tracker color accordingly Color red implies a collision with the model was detected Color green implies no collision was detected
    • setConeColor

      public void setConeColor(javafx.scene.paint.PhongMaterial color)
      Method to set the color of the cone
      color - the new cone color
    • setConeSize

      public void setConeSize(double size)
      Method to set the size of the cone
      size - the new cone size
    • setConeVisibility

      public void setConeVisibility(boolean visibility)
      Method to set the visibility of the cone
      visibility - boolean, true if visible
    • coneIsVisible

      public boolean coneIsVisible()
      Return if cone is visible
      true if cone is visible
    • setProjectionVisibility

      public void setProjectionVisibility(boolean visibility)
      Method to set the visibility of the projection
      visibility - boolean, true if visible
    • projectionIsVisible

      public boolean projectionIsVisible()
      Return if projection is visible
      true if projection is visible
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of the tool
      name of the tool
    • setName

      public void setName(String name)
      Sets the name of the tool
      name - new name of the tool
    • getMeasurement

      public List<Measurement> getMeasurement()
      Returns a list of measurements
      List containing all the measurements of the tools
    • addMeasurement

      public void addMeasurement(Measurement measurement)
      Adds a measurement to the list
      measurement - measurement to be added
    • getErrors

      public List<Double> getErrors(Vector3D avgPoint)
      This method calculates errors and saves them in a list. With a loop the distance between each point and the average point is computed. Every distance is added to the list of errors.
      avgPoint - - average point of type Point3D
      errors - of type list
    • getAverageMeasurement

      public AverageMeasurement getAverageMeasurement()
      This method computes the mean of the passed values. getAverageMeasurement gets a list of measurements. Size of the list is determined. A null point is created. A loop goes over the number of measurements. In place i the point will be fetched and added to addPoint. For x, y and z an average point is calculated. Though all points from addPoint are pitched by the size of the list. An average measurement and an average point is created.
      averageMeasurement - a average measurement
    • getAverageRotation

      public Quaternion getAverageRotation()
      This method computes the average rotation. The first quaternion of the list of measurement on point 0 and the last quaternion is taken. The time and the size of the measurements are divided. At this value, the movement is exactly the average. On the first quaterion method slerp is called by class quaternion. The first and the last quaternion plus positionAtTime is returned as average rotation.
      firstRotation.slerp(firstRotation, lastRotation, positionAtTime) - a quaternion
    • getRotationJitter

      public Quaternion getRotationJitter()
      This method computes the Jitter of a Rotation. A list of measurements and an average rotation is passed. Four lists of errors, for every value of the quaternion, where created. In a loop the method gets quaternions on point i. If i > 0, from rotationMovement the quaternion on point i is subtracted. Error variables are created. From each quaternion the list from above is added. Every list is added in rotationError. From rotation error the root mean square error is calculated.
      rotationError - of type quaternion
    • printPos

      public void printPos()
      Helper method to print the current position