Package algorithm

package algorithm
Team Algorithm was responsible for processing the data and statistical evaluations. For this purpose, calculations have been implemented which allow to calculate the jitter and the correctness of the read-in data in order to compare different calibration methods.
  • Class
    The class DataService represents the interface to team 1 Access to calculation with trackingdata over DataProcessor.
    builds an interface to other teams, includes distance measurement and conversion from matrix in bufferedimage
    ImageDataProcessor accesses AbstractImageSource to control the connection and read images.
    The class Tool represents the name of a tool, its respective measurements and the visualisation.
    The class TrackingDataManager represents the interface between the GUI and data from InputOutput.
    This class provides the methods for processing the measurements.
    This class is used to manage the access to the OpenIGTLink-Connection and therefore to the trackers.
    Interface for defining a callback-method for being triggered upon a change in references in TrackingService.
    This class is used to manage the 3D-Visualization.