All Classes and Interfaces

builds an interface to other teams and enables to get a Matrix, establishes a connection to the device and disconnects the connection
The AnnotationController class manages the user interface for uploading, viewing, and annotating images in the application.
Annotation Data handler responsible for collecting and saving the annotated data Singleton because we only want one instance of this, at a time.
** For reading/writing binary fields
A class to handle the camera movement more easily.
** This class create an Capability object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
This class reads in a 'CSV-file containing a variation of tools and coordinates of their position in a room.
The class DataService represents the interface to team 1 Access to calculation with trackingdata over DataProcessor.
provides the footage from a file with these formats: mp4, avi, mkv, mov, 3GP, mpg, jpg and png
This class defines custom formats to use in this project.
** This class create a GetCapability object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
** This class create a GetImage object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
** This class create a GetPosition object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
** This class create a GetStatus object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
** This class create a GetTransform object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
** For reading/writing OpenIGTLink headers
builds an interface to other teams, includes distance measurement and conversion from matrix in bufferedimage
ImageDataProcessor accesses AbstractImageSource to control the connection and read images.
** This class create an Image object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
saves the imported frames as Mat Objects (OpenCV).
provides the livestream footage from a webcam, ultrasound device or any other suitable devices.
This class is based on the class Matrix3f from
Perform request corresponding to the message received performRequest methods must be adapted corresponding to the need of each use User must adapt Capability list, to be able to send the right capability list and to have a correct error management for incorrect capability request
One MessageQueueManager is created by each ServerThread to add MessageHandler to MessageQueueManager queue as soon as they receive messages.
** This class create an NDArray object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
This class represents the projection of the needle, so a straight path in front of the needle.
provides the basic functionalities for the application like opening and closing the connection, and an image converted to a Mat object from OpenCV.
this class makes it possible to connect with OpenIGTLink so the tracking data of the tools (coordinates, rotation, name, etc.) can be transfered directly without saving it in a CSV-file in advance
The class can be used by first connecting to a server sending requests comming from the requestQueue, listening for response and adding response to the responsqueue
builds a connection based on OpenIGTLink for tracking data and image data.
** All messages will have to extend this class
The class can be used to create a server listening a port Messages received will be queued and proceed
** This class create an Position object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
RequestQueueManager create its own OpenIGTClient connected to one OpenIGTServer.
Perform response data corresponding to the message received performResponse methods must be adapted corresponding to the need of each use User must adapt Capability list, to be able to send the right capability list and to have a correct error management for incorrect capability request User must use SetStatus method so it value correspond to the real status of the client.
Each OpenIGTClient create its own ResponseQueueManager to queue response they get from server.
OpenIGTServer create one ServerThread for each client making a connection.
** This class create an Status object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
This class represent a stl model.
This class represents the target.
This class is used as an object to temporary save the values of a tool, which are separated in CSVFileReader.
** Utility to test util library/BytesArray crc64 and timestamp utilities and differents encoding/decoding
The class Tool represents the name of a tool, its respective measurements and the visualisation.
This class represents the cone of the tool
This class stores the Series of one tool.
The class TrackingDataManager represents the interface between the GUI and data from InputOutput.
This class provides the methods for processing the measurements.
This class is used to manage the access to the OpenIGTLink-Connection and therefore to the trackers.
Interface for defining a callback-method for being triggered upon a change in references in TrackingService.
** This class create an Transform object from bytes received or help to generate bytes to send from it
The Class TransformNR.
This class is used to manage the 3D-Visualization.